After a mega battle on track at our 2023 Xmas Party the results are as follows.

Australasia’s biggest race, the Annual Race Center Xmas Party & Bruce Hill Memorial Trophy has been run and won.
Taking Pole position and 2 wins from 2 races, in what was a dominant performance, was the world famous, the one and only Jake Drew World Wide....wide wide wide. He was closely shadowed by Race Center boss man Super Daz, sharing the front row with Jake and taking two 2nd places from the two races. In third was the Irish Blow In of Shane O’Brian
As always though, controversy was never far away. Many claim that both Jake & Daz had far superior karts! While there may have been some, ok a lot of truth to that, both Jake and Daz fiercely denied this was the case at all.
The other annual honours went to:
People’s Champion - Timothy Large – for his sheer brutality on track and punting absolutely everyone he could off track
Honourable mention to Harley Saucey Side for popping a tyre on his kart.
Best On Ground (BOG) – For this first time ever, there were joint recipients. Jools & Daz share this honour in 2023. Daz for being proper sideways and managing to fall asleep while eating a kabab. Jools for firstly being the one responsible for getting a few of the clan proper sideways, with his strategically timed and persistent shots, followed by falling asleep on the tram and missing his stop on the way home.
Honourable mention to Luke Sanders for being so sideways he snapped the lockstops off the thing. Unfortunately he just missed making it a 3 way tie due to piking it just a bit too early.
Thanks to everyone who was there in person and those who were there is spirit. It was a wonderful, fun time and a great way to cap off Race Center 2023!
Bruce Hill Memorial Honours List
Champion – Jake Drew (Jake Drew World Wide)
2nd Super Daz
3rd Shane O'Brian
People Champion
Tim Large (TL Turbo)
Best on Ground
Jools & Super Daz
In loving memory of Nathan Jones the race did not take place.
Champions – Saucey & Brendo
People Champion
Super Daz & Boner
Best on Ground
Jools - Proper Blind
Champion – Tim Large (TL Turbo)
2nd Jake Drew (Jake Drew World Wide)
3rd Tyson Jones (Tyson)
People Champion
Daniel Duda – High sided his RSV4 leaving Race Center on the morning of the party breaking his leg :(
Best on Ground
Harley Side (Sauce) – World biggest hangover the next day
Team Champions – Race Center
Champion – Tim Sandy
2nd Tyson Jones
3rd Nathan Jones
People Champion
William Sharrock – Blown Kart
Best on Ground
Super Daz – Blindest at the after party, had an accidental nap in the bush
Team Champions
Race Center
Champion – Luke Sanders
Peoples Champion
Dingo Meade – DNS due to high blood alcohol reading from night before
Best on Ground
William Sharrock – Blindest at the after party – speaking proved very difficult for William