As always there is no obligation with any of our packages, if the budget doesn’t stretch or you don’t feel you need it this weekend you will still be more than welcome to pit in our village. We have had to put the price up a bit from the last round in order to cover all wages and costs.
We have reserved a number of pit spots so just let us know how many you would like. Each spot is $25 on top of the package you choose.

The Premium Package $450 for the 3 days and includes whatever combination of the following services we think will suit you best over the course of the weekend:
· Pre race weekend plan, including tyre plan
· Debriefs
· Strategy
· Mentoring /coaching
· Bike setup and suspension changes
· Tyre plans and advice
· An experienced ear to bounce ideas off
· Priority focus
· Mechanical advise when problems arise
· Gearing advice
· Track walk if desired
Not included is
· General mechanical support, you need to allow for wheel changes etc yourself
Optional extras are:
· Shared mechanical assistance +$150
· Dedicated mechanical Support +$300
Base Package $150 for the 3 days which includes
· General Advice
· Tyre Advice
· Track walk if desired
Contact Daz to secure your spot and package...hold it flat!!!!!!!!!